Neonatal Sedation
The Neonatal Sedation module will cover sedation of the premature to the neonate of 1 year old. Definitions, skill set, anatomy, equipment, medications, and pain scales will be covered. Procedure specific sedation will also be in this module. A
  • Discuss Neonatal Pain
  • Summarize the Continuum of Sedation and Monitoring
  • Identify the Levels of Sedation Discuss the Skills, Equipment, Personnel, Anatomy, and Assessment for Sedation
  • Discuss Non-Pharmacologic Alternatives for Sedation
  • Discuss Medications used for Sedation
  • Discuss Reversal Agents Discuss
  • Procedure Specific Sedation- INSURE, TV, TH, ECHMO
  • Discuss Effects/Complications of Sedation
  • Discuss General Properties of Sedation/Pain Assessment Scales
Physicians,Physician Assistants,CRNA,Nurse Pracitcioners,Nurses
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