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Exam Name: Radiation Safety 
Passing Score:
# of Questions:  
Question Order: Sequential 
Maximum # of Attempts:  
# of Attempts:
# of Attempts Remaining: Unlimited 
In hopspital, research labs, and in clinics there is a risk of exposure to radiation either from machines or radioactive chemicals. Radiation exposure also occurs natually. Information about the sources and types of radiation, how to prevent radiation exposure, and how to monitor radiation exposure are included in the module.  
View Objectives
  • Identify Sources of Radiation
  • Identify Types of Radiation
  • How to Monitor for Radiation Exposure
  • How to Prevent Radiation Exposure
  • How to Handle Radiation Exposure
  • Regulations and Guidelines of Radioactive Areas/Materials
View Exam Directions
Each Exam consists of questions.
The exam questions are multiple choice (MC).
Read the question and the four foils below the question.
Select the answer.
Select a button to go to the next or previous question.
If you are at the last question, selecting next question will go to the first question.
If you are at the first question selecting previous question will go to the last question.
When you have answered all of the questions select save & grade exam.
The exam is not timed.
Once you start the exam, you must finish. Partially completed exams are not graded.
The number of questions, if they are randomized, and the passing score is set by the institution that signs you up.